Frequently asked Questions


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Jet-A to JP-8 Conversion

Typically, additives are blended into the fuel at some point prior to fueling the aircraft. This can be done at the refinery level, supply point, airport/airfield bulk storage, and even at the fuel delivery point. Most military installations have fuel blended either into their bulk storage tank prior to delivery to the fuel truck used to fuel the aircraft. The military is currently transitioning towards blending additives outbound of bulk storage as the fuel is being delivered by the fuel truck to the aircraft.

Hammonds makes fluid-powered as well as meter-paced systems to blend multiple additives such as those used to make JP-8. Other manufacturers make meter-paced systems as well, but Hammonds does command a large percentage of equipment used by the U.S. Military. Hammonds equipment, specifically the Hammonds Model TPI-4T-4A-1, is used exclusively in the battle field by the U.S. Military and its allies as well as any NATO countries who fly U.S. military aircraft

Assuming that the base Jet A-1 is on spec, FSII can be checked with a Refractometer and SDA can be checked a conductivity meter. There is no field test for CI/LI additive. It must be verified by volumetric calibration so ensure it is on spec based upon the proper blend ratios. What test instruments are available to test the quality of JP-8? Please recommend to us. FSII can be tested with a Refractometer, available from several manufacturers, using ASTM D5006-96, Standard Test method for measurement of fuel system icing inhibitors in aviation fuels. Refractometers and as well as complete test kits for FSII concentration are available from Hammonds.

SDA can be tested with a conductivity meter, available from several manufacturers, using ASTM D2624. The most popular brand of meter used in the aviation industry is manufactured by EMCEE.

CI/LI There is no field test available for this additive.

Correction of off-spec fuel can be handled differently depending upon how the fuel is off-spec. If the fuel additive (one or more) is off-spec, the blend rates of the additive can be adjusted to bring the fuel back into spec. If the base fuel, the Jet A-1 is off-spec, you will need to refer to the fuel supplier. Solutions vary widely depending upon what the problem is with the fuel.

YES. The P-3 has been approved to operate on the following fuels: JP4, JP5, JP8, Jet A, Jet A-1 and Jet B.

You will need to check with the aircraft manufacturer to determine proper procedures for rectifying the fueling of the aircraft with improper fuels.

The three additives that are required to make JP-8 are Fuel System Ice Inhibitor (FSII), Corrosion Inhibitor (CI) and Static Dissipating Additive (SDA).

There are multiple suppliers for each of the three additives available all around the world. Location and quantity will greatly affect price and availability.

Hammonds Fuel Additives, a sister company of Hammonds Technical offers FSII and CI.

We do not have ready access to any papers written on specific aircraft. Please check with the aircraft manufacturers for specific documents related to specific aircraft.

Warranty & Repair

Hammonds is offering the first bumper-to-bumper, flange-to-flange, all inclusive 3-year warranty for additive systems; and if that’s not enough, it can be extended indefinitely! All you have to do is operate any Hammonds fluid-powered system within advertised limits, perform the recommended yearly maintenance, and you’re covered…completely covered.

But here’s the best news. Even your old Hammonds system, including the first one we ever delivered, can be qualified for this new warranty. Allow our factory-trained personnel to remanufacture your system to “zero-time” specifications. Your old unit, regardless of age will be certified with a 3-year warranty, extendible for life. The industry’s best warranty.